100 films in 100 days – Jurassic Park #100films

JURASSIC PARK, 1993. ©Universal/courtesy Everett Collection

The 69th film in my 100 film challenge is Jurassic Park. Having recently seen the new Jurassic World, my main feeling about it was that it was good, but no where near the brilliance of the original. When watching the original Jurassic Park again I was left realising the huge gulf between the two films. J-World is flawed and lightweight but fun and entertaining. Jurassic Park is simply a masterpiece.

I guess it helps having Steven Spielberg at the helm. He knows exactly what he’s doing with this kind of stuff. JP has not got a trim of fat on it. Every shot, each line of dialogue only ever adds to the story. I love how the tone of the film develops into a horror that is truly tense and scary, but JP is still a family film. The casting of each character is spot on too, with Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum as my standout performers. They simply own the screen.

Watching it again, one of the things that stood out to me was how memorable the film was. Especially certain classic scenes which are beyond memorable but now iconic. The shaking cup of water as the T-Rex approaches. The Raptors hunting the children in the kitchen. Samuel L Jackson’s arm. Jeff Goldblum. Not forgetting John Williams delivery another epic score… Man, this film is great.

Jurassic World hasn’t got a patch on the original. The Park is just too good.

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