100 films in 100 days – Hancock #100films


The 50th film of my 100 film challenge is Hancock. Yet again, this is one of the DVD’s on my shelf that I have only ever seen once. I was quite disappointed when I saw it way back when. I wasn’t too hopeful things would change watching it again, but I tried to keep an open mind.

Peter Berg is in the directing chair here and, whilst he has shown through the TV series Friday Night Lights that he can do family drama really well, the other aspects of the film don’t work quite as well. The part of the story set in the home and with Jason Bateman’s family are funny and interesting, but for me the action was only ok. It gets bit OTT in places and unfortunately the special effects looked really dated already. Some of the characters, mainly the bad guys, are a bit too comical and stereotypical too.

The big twist in the film didn’t work for me, and in the end the film is nothing special. It is a shame, because the concept of an alcoholic superhero bum is interesting, although reluctant heroes haunted by demons have been done before. The film tries to be ‘box office fun’ rather than trying to do anything different or interesting – a wasted opportunity for sure. Will Smith is actually quite good to be fair to him, hitting the emotional notes well.

I think this film will be finding a new home. Any takers?

5 thoughts on “100 films in 100 days – Hancock #100films

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